Beginning the journey is as easy as a click of the mouse, and placing a pen in your hands and answering the questions with as much honesty as you can muster. It may be tough to finally pick up the phone…a thousand other things can help you lose your way…don’t be fooled. We’ll still be here. And yes, I know all about dog’s eating your homework!

What do you do?

  1. Decide what you want. Only you can.
  2. Call the office and schedule your consultation and exam.
    (we do not schedule or change appointments via email)
  3. Download the forms and fill them out. Trust me, the questions are important so don’t have your partner, best friend, companion, cat or dog do it for you! I understand the temptation. And yes, I know that cats probably wouldn’t bother and puppies will simply show you sad, imploring eyes convincing you that it’s a much better idea to go play fetch. Guess who’s fetching!
  4. Show up. It’s how you say YES and how prayers get answered. And it might simply be more fun than you thought!

Health Status Questionnaire
Personal History Questionnaire
Nutrition Symptom Survey

See you soon!